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  1. ok, first off, it's tough to give a straight-up review of any coffee (or menthol) juice, since i ALWAYS mix the two. Menthol mixed with either coffee or cappuccino is pretty much all i vape. that being said... Special Roast Coffee is simply amazing. it has a nice strong flavor, is slightly sweet, produces good vapor, and smells like god himself brewed a fresh pot, lol. it also seems thicker than other brands.. all of which are positives in my book. it is NOT "creamy" in any way, like cappuccino juices are. some people call their juices "coffee" when in fact they are so creamy they should really be labled "cappuccino" or "creamy coffee". that is not the case here. no cream what so ever. it is a bit sweet, but not in the 'sugar in my coffee' way... but more in the way that maple syrup or icing (like icing on a cinamon roll) is sweet. i may be splitting hairs here, but i it's not the same sweet as sugar is. it's almost like you washed down that bite of syrup-soaked pancake with a big swig of rich black coffee. just sweet enough to kill the bitterness of black coffee, but not enough to kill the coffee "strength"... anyhow... i only had a sample (3ml) of they previous version (named simply "coffee"), which is long gone, so it's hard to tell you all the difference between the two. all i can say is that their previous coffee immediately jumped to the top of my favorites list, and this new version easily maintains that top spot. i can tell you that without a side-by-side taste test, it is effectively the same. meaning if you had they previous version and liked it, you will definitely like this one as well. if you never had awesome vapor's coffee or special roast coffee, and you like coffee juices, then you simply MUST give Special Roast Coffee a try! as a side note - and it's little things like this that put the icing on the cake sometimes - their juice bottles are sweet as well. they are "flat" , like eye drop bottles kind of (if you look at the bottom, it's oval instead of round), much more "pocket friendly"
    1 point
  2. SickDripzz

    Nicotine Poisening

    Thank you for your interest Smoking cigarettes in conjunction with vaping Electronic Cigarettes can cause a nicotine overdose, for cigarettes already have a considerably high amount of nicotine in them. Ingestion of too many cigarettes or too much vaping alone can cause an overdose as well. I did about a weeks worth (150+ hours) of initial study on nicotine poisoning and food poisoning shortly after the severity of my sickness died off. Since then I have been only educating myself further in this subject. First off, vomiting when induced with nicotine poisoning can create an extremely bitter and unpleasant taste in your mouth, something more unique to nicotine poisoning than not. Other chemicals/toxins can cause similar effects but this is a commonly found symptom in nicotine poisoning. Nausia comes hand in hand with the vomiting, which can be felt at substancial degrees. Nicotine poisoning has the ability to send the body into a moderate to severe epileptic seizure. I experienced the first noticable seizure of any kind in my life while intoxicated with nicotine poisoning, which I would classify as severe. It was the first day, I remember I was standing over the sink vomiting, shaking uncontrollably, then my breathing began to seriously flutter, causing me to slightly panic and flee the room immediately, bringing me down a short hall into a room I hardly ever enter, where I lost complete control of my body, falling to my knees, collapsing to the ground unable resist, where I began to start foaming at the mouth. Luckily my girlfriend was there to help me and roll me onto my side (so all the foam/saliva could drain from my mouth), without her (if I were alone), I do believe the severity of this case would have been greatly amplified... hcaorppa no saw htaeD... The difficulty in breathing is notorious with nicotine poisoning. Feeling as if you were going to pass out then snap back into it constantly... It could be explained as gasping for air and not getting any, only contracting your throat and lungs. This goes hand in hand with the vomiting. Also, severe coldsweats come with the breathing difficulties. I experienced more coldsweats while vomiting/diarrhea than when trying to rest. I have experienced many coldsweats throughout my life(all drug related) and the coldsweats that I got from nicotine poioning topped them all. Coldsweats at these levels usually cause the body to sporadically change body temperatures. One moment you will be pouring sweat, feeling like the sun is going to burn you alive, then suddenly a serious drop in body temperature can occur. This can be felt externally as well as internally. Now here's for the gross part. The amount of diarrhea and vomit your body will produce is absolutely disgusting. It will go beyond the point of pure liquid diarrhea, your body will reject any kind of fluids that are being entered when the nicotine poisoning is fresh (first 4 days). Your body will most likely rid itself of all fluids at this point, meaning any food and waste will come out too. This means you will be vomiting and diahhreaing until it is nothing but liquid, then you will experience those two simutaniously, many of the times it being projectile like. I was unaware that you are not to induce vomiting while intoxicated with nicotine poisoning. I was doing this often and also drinking lots of fluids. You are not supossed to eat or drink ANYTHING while intoxicated with nicotine poisoning. I did not handle the situation correctly since my girlfirend and I misdiagnosed myself initially. The first day, I was vomiting/diarrhea for 8 hours straight NO BREAKS INBETWEEN. Severe cases of nicotine poisoning, like myself, are relentless and cruel, not stopping to recover or feel better, how I said nicotine poisoning has been described as one of the worst short lived sicknesses. Severe stomach pains will be felt in the stomach and small intestine. I was diagnosed with gastroenteritis by the doctor, which is inflamation of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenteritis is a cause of acute diarrhea, explained above ^^. Gastroenteritis is usually caused (50%) by food bourne illness but can also be caused by an ample amount of a toxin running through the body. During this entire sickness, you will find yourself running at appx 25% physical energy, the fatigue will set in. I could barely walk up and down my stairs, I moved as little as possible. It was also extremely uncomfortable to lay in bed, there was no comfortable position for me, the body is in constant aching pain... (I have a nice bed too). I constantly felt extremely fatigued no matter what I did. The mental clarity of the mind is altered when intoxicated with nicotine poisoning. I felt some what delerious (nothing too bad) also, I couldn't focus, had a serious lack of attention, and sometimes I would talk about something that really made no sense at all. So with some research, all of these symptoms are commonly found in nicotine poisoning, which is different from the rest of the sicknesses out there. Nothing is quite like nicotine poisoning, the only comparable subjects being extreme cases of food poisoning or a similar intoxication of a similar chemical/toxin. Speaking with other nicotine poisoning victims helped me justify my cause even further. Basically at that point, all of my conditions were validated. Everything I explained here was commonly found in other nicotine poisoning victims, some of them properly diagnosed and some not like myself. Of course these are not all of the details... but I am not going to walk you guys through everything Facts about nicotine poisoning: -Causes an extremely bitter, unpleasant taste in the mouth (somewhat unique) -Lasts 5-10 days -Moderate to severe seizures -Considerable breathing difficulty -Critical body temperature fluctuation along with severe coldsweats -Causes extreme nausia, vomiting, and diarrhea (Gastroenteritis is a part of this) -Extreme fatigue and constant painful body aches (can cause delerium) -This sickness can be identified as something greater than the traditional stomach flu or food poisoning. To fully conclude my theories, the second time I experienced these symptoms was when I first got my TW Tornado and I vaped about 30 drops of 5 different 24mg juices in less than an hour... I was then able to link my evidence together and conclude my thoughts. The second nicotine poisoning experience was much less severe than the first time. I only threw up for about an hour (tasted that extremely bitter disgusting taste, "A RED FLAG") and experienced minor fluctuations in body temperature. Other than that, there was not much else to document, but I was able to immediately identify the cause. Many of you may have felt something closer to this experience here? Maybe not, but my first case of nicotine poisoning was most definitely severe. Ask some specific questions if you want more details on this subject.
    -1 points
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