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  1. Nice work Fritchard I just uploaded the script and created the SQL tables. Everything is working except the few points I mentioned in the PM. To everyone else, the smoke banner is close to complete
    2 points
  2. Alright Vapor Talkers and Vapors from around the country (and world for that matter) Once again your right to vape is slippping away. We've got 3 choices. 1. Hope someone else magically fixes this problem. 2. Hope it doesn't effect your state and someone how you'll be lucky (don't count on it) 3. Time to start kicking *** and taking names the good old american way. The following states currently have bills pending to ban the sales of Electronic Cigarettes. Here are some things you NEED to do in order to stop this mess. We did it during the last California attempt to ban we need to do it again! 1. Find out who your Senator is and who your "House" representative is. (Titles vary from state to state. Examples include Representative, Assembly member, Delegate). 2. Phone their offices and/or send a letter by snail mail. Seriously members call the Vapor Talk line all day long do the same only this time with your senators. Do it at work, do it in the car, call call call and demand a responce. 3. Tell your story about how e-cigarettes have helped you and tell them that you oppose ### (where ### equals the official bill designation) because it would make the sale of the products illegal. 4. Point out that thousands of citizens would be forced to relapse to smoking. Even if you dont' live in the state try to get your word out, we all need to help each other! This could go wide spread VERY quickly. It looks like this time they are coming down quick and heavy. Currently there are bills in the following states CA, IL, MD, and NY. If your aware of any other states post back here and on any other electornic cigarette forum. We need to band togeather on this. Contact information for the four states mentioned above can be found within the following threads: New York: A9529 Senate Version: http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S7234 Click Here Look up your legislator - Response #34 Email Addresses - Response #56 Illinois: SB3174 Illinois Bill to prohibit sale of PV's - Click Here **Contact Info for House Human Services Committee Members - Response #62 To find your state representative, go to www.ilga.gov and click on Legislator Lookup in the lower, right-hand portion of the page. Maryland: HB720 - BILL HAS BEEN VOTED DOWN! Look up MD elected official: http://mdelect.net/electedofficials/ California: SB 882 Senate Bill - INTRODUCED - This isn't the first time Ms. Corbett has introduced this bill. California: bill to define e-cigs a drug CLICK HERE TO SEE THE BILL UPDATES Contact Information for Sponsor Ellen Corbett - See Response #6 List of CA Senators' email addresses: http://www.sen.ca.gov/~newsen/senators/senemail.htp List of CA Assembly members: http://www.assembly.ca.gov/clerk/MEMBERINFORMATION/memberdir_1.asp Look up your legislator: Click Here for California State Legislature PLEASE PLEASE get those emails and phone calls out there! It's only takes a minute of your time. If you wish to create email templates or easy messages for other members to send, feel free to create a topic or leave your response so other members can use your messages. Good Luck, we're going to need it. *Special Thanks to Vocalek
    1 point
  3. Vivid and real Juxtoposition on youtube: 1. FDA celebrating passing the bill that bans ecigs from minors. 2. Minors youtubing their failed attempts at quitting real cigarettes. 3. The minors videos are in the line-up on the FDA's video page. That's real. That's life.... errrrr..death. The FDA has no business restricting anybody, minor or major, from quitting tobacco products. They are playing with our future taxpayers lives. Shoot, they are already taxpayers.
    1 point
  4. I consider all atties to be like light bulbs. They all go eventually and you won't ever really know when to expect it. I have atties from lots of sources, including Innovapor and all are still going strong. I do believe I have been lucky with my atties. I clean them with vodka. I also do periodic short dry burns. I use my M401s for testing liquid flavors so some of them get washed very often. I know that other people have good luck without cleaning them at all. My theory is that, just like light bulbs, there are a number of things that can reduce their lifespan. If they are over-heated, subjected to thermal shock, or dropped their life expectancy will decrease. In my opinion the build up of crud on the atty is bound to shorten their life... and some liquids produce more crud than others. These are my opinions! I haven't done any detailed studies to substantiate my comments.
    1 point
  5. Chris, Thanks so much for getting this information out. As a New Yorker, I had no idea these bills were pending until I read your post. I have contacted both my Assemblyman and my Senator and told them to vote against these bills. Keep up the good work, Chris!
    1 point
  6. Hey Chris thanks but no thanks I'm from Ilinois and it makes me angry that there trying to pass this bill, it's just big brother that wants his cut so why don't they just figure out a way to tax me and leave me vape in peace . If they do get it passed I will just have to go underground, I have friends in Indiana that will help me anyway so if I have to be a criminal so be it
    1 point
  7. Contact the NY State Senate here: http://www.nysenate.gov/contact_form I wish there was a number we could call. I prefer to express my opinion through a phone call rather than a message that will probably be deleted. If they go through with this ban, then TRUST ME, I will find ways to get my e-cig supplies, and so will everybody else. If I can manage to get marijuana on a daily basis and other illegal drugs I shouldn't mention, I'm confident I'll get my bottles of e-liquid. Think about the old prohibition of alcohol and the current prohibition of marijuana, it's not stopping anyone from getting what they want, and it hasn't in the past! LOL I can just imagine calling my "dealer" and picking up some attys and a few bottles of liquid. But in all seriousness, these bans would move e-cig's into the underground market. We have the right to vape. Regardless, we must do everything we can to stop this ban. One more thing I want to add. If they go through with these bans, then more and more people will start to think that e-cigs are not effective and bad for your health. People will think that since it's "illegal" that means it has to be bad for you, because, after all, the government is always right. On top of that, I'd guess that about 80% of current vapers would not want to do anything illegal, so would have no choice but to either go cold turkey or go back to analogs. However, I'm sure that most of us veteran vapers would NEVER go to back to analogs after all the progress we've made of being smoke-free. Here's a good question, If, lets say, they go through with these bans, couldn't I just buy my supplies from a supplier who is from a "legal" state? If not, I might just have to stock up on e-liquid. However, I just can't imagine it being that difficult to get supplies, even if they go through with the bans. Then again, most suppliers would not want to risk their business by selling to an illegal state and lose their company. IN A NUTSHELL, These bans would: -Prevent potential vapers and let them die from lung cancer -Put some current vapers back to analogs, so we too can die of lung cancer -Create an illegal, underground market, so anyone who keeps vaping is a criminal -Put a lot of suppliers out of business -Make me so very upset
    1 point
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