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  1. There's been a lot of talk about different volts and HV atty's etc. I could be way off base here, but from my reading it sounds like the watts generated is what drives the vapor production. I've put together a spreadsheet showing the watts generated for regular 510 and 302 atty's vs. the HV atty's. The Joye 510 is 2.2 ohm and the 302 is 3.2 ohms (even verified this myself). The HV atty's for both 510 and 801's come in 4.5ohm and 5.2ohm (although I've only been able to find 4.5ohm atty's... I've only heard about the 5.2 ohm). Anyhow, thought this may help everyone see where you are and give you some ideas about about things and what the different combinations will give you before you try anything. You've all heard about people toasting atty's at high volts - it looks to me like you really start putting the atty at risk when you're over 15+ Watts. Anyhow, if anyone finds any errors, shout it out. If there's some factor I missed, don't be shy. AttyWatts.xls.zip AttyWatts.xls.zip
    1 point
  2. nana

    Another Newbie...

    Welcome to Vapor Talk, Summ27. I have the eGo, which is the exact same thing as the tornado, but with a different name. I can highly recommend it as a wonderful unit. Normally when someone new comes here asking for recommendations, I always say the 510. It's a simple unit, more the size and shape of a regular cigarette, and puts out vapor similar to regular cigarettes, so I think it's the perfect first ecig. But since someone you know has recommend the tornado, I'd say that's okay, too. The eGo or tornado are basically 510 units with batteries that are just a little bit bigger and last quite a bit longer. The batteries do cost about twice what the regular batteries cost, but they last so much longer that I feel it's well worth the price. There is no charging case for the tornado, but the batteries last so long, you really wouldn't need one. There is a size difference between the 510 atty and the 901 atty. There is also a difference in the amount of vapor. I was never happy with the 901, so I just don't recommend it, but lots of people are very happy with the 901. It always come down to personal preference. I really feel that you can't go wrong with tornado. It's a bit more pricey than the regular 510 kit would be, but I think you'd want to move up to something like the tornado someday soon anyway, so you could save yourself a little bit of extra money by going this way to begin with. I do have 4 of the regular 510 batteries, but I don't use them. I keep them as a backup, but I use my eGo/tornado all the time. Good luck with whatever you choose and be sure to ask any questions you have. You'll get plenty of answers.
    1 point
  3. J0T

    Just A Note On Reviews

    I watch/read a lot of reviews (for everything, not just e-cigs) and I always try to keep in mind the fact that everyone has a different experience with a product. Another important thing to keep in mind is that if you're watching/reading reviews from people who have a lot of experience always remember that they have a lot of experience! What I mean is that these people have used many devices, types of juice, etc. so they will make comparisons and talk about a lot of details, and that's a good thing, however these comparisons and details may not really be all that important to you, you may not even notice them! These people are trying to tell you as much as possible about a product, but don't let them be the only factor in your decision making process. Also consider the fact that everyone has preferences and opinions, you may not share the same opinion, so do some research/investigation to help you figure out what fits your needs. Here are some personal examples: TGWTF did a review on Mr Bean from Liquidxpress, he said it smelled awful and had a powdery taste, I don't think it smells awful and I don't get a powdery taste at all. We have different senses of taste and smell, different opinions on what smells good or bad and he's tried way more juices than I have. Neither of our opinions is wrong and in the end we both agree it's a good juice. Grimm Green did a review of the Spade and in it he spoke about a noticeable drop in voltage after 45 minutes to an hour. This kind of bothered me a little bit but I knew it was a solid device so I ordered it. I only just received it so I don't have a lot of experience with it, but I've been vaping it for half a day now and in my opinion after an hour the voltage seemed to drop to a level that seemed normal, it vapes like I would expect it to. For Grimm this wasn't a deal breaker, he still recommended the device. I'd consider him an advanced user and as such he has different expectations, I have three devices now so I still consider myself a beginner, I don't have the same expectations. So remember, reviews are to help you make a decision, not to make it for you, and if you want multiple points of view you can always ask for them, most people are willing (in fact many are eager) to tell you exactly what they think about a product.
    1 point
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