Hey guys, I'm new to the forums here but not new to vaping. I've been vaping for about a solid year now.. I first saw the Smoking Everywhere in the mall and was intrigued to use e-cigs to quit smoking analogs. Since the S.E. was so overpriced, I bought a 901 which I used for about 8 months, then I switched to the janty stick (which is awesome)! I am now using joye 302 attys, because I heard such good stuff about them. However, the problem I've noticed with these 302 attys is that the airholes are at the bottom, which allows the liquid to flow right through them! I dont use carts, I just drip, but I noticed that the liquid I drip will just pass right through the holes at the bottom. I wonder why they would create the design like that (wouldn't they have thought that the liquid would seep through?) Because of this, the inside of my janty stick gets wet, and I go thru a lot of liquid because most of it escapes through the bottom! Is this normal? Doesn't anyone else who drips into these 302's have the same problem (since the airholes are right where the liquid collects?) Or maybe I'm putting in too much liquid? I only put in 3-4 drops at a time, but the liquid always manages to seep thru! Thanks for your help guys!