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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2010 in all areas

  1. My brother (gnerd) and I both added comments to the article. Mike's was: "This study was designed to achieve the specific result the FDA dictated, whether they funded it or not (and I'd bet money they did). Note they used liquid with the lowest possible concentration of nicotine available. As a pack-a-day smoker of full flavor cigarettes, I knew 16mg would be a total waste of time. I started with 32mg. It didn't cut it. I moved to 48mg - nicotine nirvana! Let this guy do a study with useful nicotine concentrations and see how it goes. But the fact is, the FDA doesn't want a safe smoking alternative available for a couple of reasons. 1) They're partially funded by big tobacco and big pharma and 2) They need victims of tobacco-caused cancer to continue beating the anti-addiction drum. The FDA isn't about health, it's about a zealous agenda; an agenda that denies the human nature of addiction. There are multiple studies of nicotine vaporizers that show positive results. Have you ever seen one reported on CNN? Of course not. Can you say, "Government sock puppet?"" Way to go Bro! I wrote: "This article is a complete load of hooey! Paul Courson is not a reporter – he’s merely a gossip spewing whatever someone told him. An actual reporter would have checked his facts. For example, the FDA’s power grab was slapped down in Federal court; they are prevented from trying to stop imports of e-cigs. That’s just the most obvious untruth in this screed. The “study” was anything but. A scientific study would have said “Brand X electronic cigarette” yielded “N” blood level nicotine. We all know that the devices sold in malls and storefronts are worthless. Yet this article presented those as e-cigs generally. More of Courson’s failure to investigate. 16mg per ml is a very low concentration of nicotine; this study did not even apply a standard nic level to determine whether it worked. If Courson had done any investigation whatever he would have questioned this “study.” But he didn’t. What a fool. Or should I say, “Tool”? If Courson or cnn had any courage they would provide an email address to contact the “reporter,” like actual investigative news outlets do. I would be happy to help Courson do his research before again spouting a bunch of idiocy to a generally undiscriminating readership. I welcome him to follow up with the email address in my login. What this really is, is Big Pharma and Big Tobacco pushing more of their propaganda against the first truly working cigarette alternative to come along in history. The "Establishment" is scared, and well they might be. If our govt truly cared about its constituents, they'd be promoting e-cigs day and night. Instead, too much Big Money stands to have its failed products go unused. I, like virtually everyone else who has posted here, have had sufficient help from my e-cig to quit smoking. This writer is an idiot and the “study” was a sham. CNN is in the middle of that, not wanting to anger their Big Money advertisers whose products will either kill you or give you nothing for your money."
    1 point
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