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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2010 in all areas

  1. I found this on Youtube tonight. I can't believe this guy is actually serious. I encourage all of us to click the link, watch this moron's video, read the written comments below this video, decide for yourself if you believe his idea is better than vaping, and then add a comment, so that people are not taken in by his lies.... This guy should be discredited..... SCAM!!!!
    1 point
  2. Allow me, as an Englishman, to interpret this piece (reading "between the lines"): Man gets drunk in pub Man has e-cig - staff and customers haven't seen one before. Customers say"Oi! He's smoking" Staff say "stop doing that!" Drunk man gets arsy - along lines of "It's a ****ing e-cig you tw*t" Staff are pissed off Staff call police Drunk is arsy to police Drunk is arrested
    1 point
  3. I posted a comment, that was shocking listening to the video. My comment: I'm a little stunned someone presumably educated would publicly makes comments such as these. Did I just hear a doctor say that if you were to stop smoking cigarettes and replace them with e-cigarettes you MAY lower your risk of getting lung cancer a LITTLE bit? There is one thing the good doctor is absolutely correct about, that there is someone with an agenda and they are trying to get your money from you by incorrectly representing an alternative. You only get one guess who that is.
    1 point
  4. I noticed that a lot of the comments mentioned how the e-cig looked like a real cigarette, and how other comments focus on how the process promotes the act of smoking. Other commentors came right out and lied, saying that the e-cig stinks "just like a real cigarette". I can't understand how these people can be so offended by smells. How about that perfume, or worse, that B.O.? So what? Should we ban insense too? And what about the comment that says, "it models an unhealthy behavior"? Why is that so bad but standing on your head and drinking beer straight from the tap is concidered "cool"? Or why don't we ban Mcdonald's and candy? Doesn't that model an unhealthy behavior?
    1 point
  5. Brian

    Diy 5V Battery Mod

    Ok - so here it is! I have to say this was a much bigger PITA than it thought it would be. Other than re-attaching a wire on some of my kids toys, I've never soldered before. My soldering iron is several years old and I'm pretty sure I need to replace the tip. I goal for this project was to just get one built and working. It's not pretty. I didn't cover or seal any of my connection and didn't use any JB Weld or Gorilla snot. However, it's together and it works! I learned a lot doing this so hopefully next time I can put together some instructions. Pretty sure I'll get some 4 battery cases instead of using the 3 batt cases. It was just to tight for my liking. I also left out LED just because there was so little room and I was getting a little frustrated.
    1 point
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