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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2010 in all areas

  1. GDub

    The Low Down

    General Questions: How long have electronic cigarettes been around? They've been gaining popularity over the last few years, not sure when they actually hit the market. How safe is the vapor? (How easy is it to overdose on nicotine?) Vapor is pretty safe, using an e-juice 24mg strength or less makes it fairly difficult to really over do it and make yourself sick. That's not to say you couldn't do it, but you'd have to really be chain vaping and then you have no one to blame but yourself. Why does Firefox think vapor is not spelled correctly?! (well that one is a little off topic :/) My Firefox is cool with it How long have you been vaping? Been analog free for over 70 days now, but I had tried the e-cig before that, I just didn't by any spare atomizers, when my only one burned out I went back to analogs for a little bit, now I'm back on track, and I have plenty of spare atomizers at all times. Did you start vaping to quit smoking, or for just a "safer" switch? I started vaping because I did want to quit smoking, and it worked well. now that I have made the initial investment I'm not in a hurry to quit. It's much less expensive, less damaging to my health, and I enjoy it immensely. Did it work? Hells yes. How long did it take you to quit? Took me maybe 24 hours, but took my wife a couple weeks to totally quit. A buddy of mine just quit after 2 days with his first e-cig ever. Can you give a good reason too start using an electronic cigarette other than health reasons? You'll save money, smell better, and you can use them indoors (most places). Choice and Price: In your experience, have you actually saved money by switching? Definitely, and the savings continue to get better after you make the initial investment. Compared to cartons of cigarettes, what was your start-up cost? You can get a good 510 starter kit for around $50, plus some extra juice, you're lookin' at about $80-$100 What is the difference between a 510 and a pen-style? (Man I hope that's not the same thing) They are just 2 different models of atomizers, 510 is more compact. Is there a comparison chart for all the brands and/or models? ??? You'll find 510s and 801 penstyles are favorites here. Usage: On average, how long does a bottle of juice last you? When I'm at home using my 5V passthrough all day I can go through 3ml in a day. At 3.7V maybe 1.5ml-2ml On average, how long does a battery last before you have to buy a new one? The manual batteries tend to hold up longer, but I'd recommend buying a mod unit that uses cheaper batteries. On average, how long does a vaporizer last before you have to buy a new one? Most atomizers should last around 1 month, anything after that is a bonus in my mind. But with good care they can last much longer than 1 month. Compared to smoking a normal cigarette, do you have to reload (rejuice) your e-cig? If so, how many times? When direct dripping I'd say it's pretty close to about 1/2-1 cig every time I add 3 drops, with a cartridge you get more time between fills. Compared to smoking a normal cigarette, is smoking an e-cig as satisfying? For me it's more satisfying in many ways, but there is an adjustment phase. Once the juice is loaded into the cartridges how long does it take to evaporate before it's unusable? Left open to the air I wouldn't leave it more than 24 hrs, but I really don't know, i prefer to direct drip myself and fill cartridges (if I'm using one) right before I use it. Those are just my opinions and experiences, so keep asking around and you'll find all the answers you need. Welcome to the forum.
    6 points
  2. Vacker1229

    Got Spade?

    Just got the mail Ordered Spade 1/20 from VTStore - mailed same day - received 1/22 just 5 mins ago (of course we both are in Calif) Ordered adapter 1/19 from GoodProphets - mailed 1/20 from PA - received 1/22 just 5 mins ago: Adapter is for 510 bat to 901 atty cuz I have 15 901 attys and don't want them to go to waste. I like the little sack for the Spade as it holds a variety of juice and spare batt & atty. A little sack like this is great for Princesses cuz most of us carry a girlie purse anyway. Not sure how it works for the dudes. This Spade is identical (except color) to the VP1-901 I had before from VaprLife. I had the VP1-901 1st version and l loved it. Then I upgraded to protected batts and needed to get the 2nd version and had problems til finally I gave up on it. Hopefully the Spade is v.3 and there will be no issues. I will keep you posted.
    1 point
  3. I recently ordered some e juice from the Vapor Station on the 8th of Jan it is now the 21st and still has not even been shipped.. Does anyone know a good place to order e juice without having to wait so long?
    1 point
  4. I got this from another forum: I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. I ordered a burger at McDonald's and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?" CEO's are now playing miniature golf. If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you call them and ask if they meant you or them. Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM. McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer. Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names. A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico . **** Cheney took his stockbroker hunting. Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore. The Mafia is laying off judges. Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen. Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great!! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear! And finally, the biggest indicator of them all is......... I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, global warming, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc., that I called the Suicide Lifeline. I got a call center in Pakistan . When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck. The person who posted this is with Lecig
    1 point
  5. ddavelarsen

    The Low Down

    Welcome vBear! You have found a good place. You'll see. Ok, I heard about this electronic cigarette from a co-worker. However, I have yet to see one other than photos on the web. I started doing some research and found this forum, after viewing some youtube videos. I have been reading these forums for a few hours and have noticed that are a lot of good folks here willing to spend there time answering questions about this whole e-cig craze that seems to be getting started. I have to wonder why? Are you guys and gals selling this stuff? If you are just hanging around here answering questions and not making a profit off of selling this stuff then people are really jazzed about this whole concept. The people posting here only care about helping new vapers find their way and getting their own learning curve reduced. We exchange a lot of experience which helps everyone to be more successful and happier in their new life. Several excellent and trustworthy suppliers frequent this forum. They are our friends, in that they also care about our success. Customer Service is generally unsurpassed anywhere compared to the suppliers at VT. I have very intrigued and seriously considering getting into this. But first I have a few questions of my own. I am just going to lay them out there. General Questions: How long have electronic cigarettes been around? Not sure exactly; 4-5 years? Gaining real traction in the last 2 or so years. How safe is the vapor? (How easy is it to overdose on nicotine?) Because there are no current scientific studies of the longterm effects of vaping, we say vaping is "far safer" than smoking analogs. The immediate health improvements that vapor realize is a good indication of that. Because I was a heavy smoker, the concept "overdose on nicotine" is a joke to me; I simply cannot imagine that. But I know that some people have in fact gotten too much nicotine for their comfort. My recommendation would be to start with a small amount of 18 or 24mg juice and adjust the strength based on your own experience. Why does Firefox think vapor is not spelled correctly?! (well that one is a little off topic :/) I had to teach my Mac how to spell our language. I'm still working on that occasionally. How long have you been vaping? Since November 1st. Did you start vaping to quit smoking, or for just a "safer" switch? Honestly, curiosity. Like everyone else I'd tried everything to quit. When my first not-quite-sufficient products actually did relieve some of the problems with not smoking, I got more curious and eventually found this forum. It's been all good since then. Did it work? Yes. How long did it take you to quit? About a month before I stopped buying analogs altogether, but my analog use tapered to near zero within two weeks after getting my VP2. Can you give a good reason too start using an electronic cigarette other than health reasons? 1) Money. After the initial cost it's far less expensive than smoking, regardless your local tax structure. 2) If you're a gadget freak, you will be in hog heaven. 3) Vaping tastes so much better than smoking it will blow your mind; soon, smoking will be actively unpleasant compared to vaping. Choice and Price: In your experience, have you actually saved money by switching? Not yet; I've only just begun. That part is more of a long-term issue. Keep in mind that our lifestyle choice is under attack by negative people and it seems prudent to "stock up" many of the consumable supplies. Compared to cartons of cigarettes, what was your start-up cost? I tell people it'll cost about $200 to get fully set up initially. Others don't stock up the way I have and will spend far less. Expect a minimum of $100. What is the difference between a 510 and a pen-style? (Man I hope that's not the same thing) Others have nailed this one better; essentially, size. Because it's larger, a penstyle (801/302) may dissipate heat better. Is there a comparison chart for all the brands and/or models? Yes, but I can't seem to locate it on my drive. I'm afraid you might find it as confusing and overwhelming as I did. Better, maybe, to just ask questions here. Usage: On average, how long does a bottle of juice last you? I use about 15-20 ml per week. On average, how long does a battery last before you have to buy a new one? Dunno; haven't replaced any yet. On average, how long does a vaporizer last before you have to buy a new one? The standard answer is that an atomizer lasts a month. That is an average. Keep spares. Compared to smoking a normal cigarette, do you have to reload (rejuice) your e-cig? If so, how many times? I direct drip because I feel I get the most consistent vape that way. I drip 2-3 drops on the atty and get 3-4 good hits before dripping again. Don't drip and drive! Use a cart or have a friend drip for you when driving longer than a few hits will cover. Compared to smoking a normal cigarette, is smoking an e-cig as satisfying? Goes both ways. There is more than nicotine in analogs that we're addicted to, and vaping does not contain those potentially harmful substances. I've felt some dissatisfaction in that regard. This said, vaping feels and tastes so much better than smoke, and once you find a nic level and a device that provides the throat hit you like, you will never want to smoke again. There is a learning curve that includes adjustment to vaping in addition to finding what works for you. Once the juice is loaded into the cartridges how long does it take to evaporate before it's unusable? About a day. You may find that carts are not your favorite way to vape. I smoke Pall Mall light 100's and smoke about a pack and a half a day. I smoke 4 or 5 before work, and one on the way to work in the car. I smoke one (sometimes 2) between morning and lunch, 2 or 3 on an hour lunch break, and 1 (sometimes 2) before I get off work. One on the way home, and about 10 to 15 in the afternoon. (Wow! I never wrote it all out like that before! I seriously smoke way too much!) I need something that I can take to work and not have to worry about fiddling with during the day. And I need a battery that will last all day. What would be the best "package" to start out with in a situation like this? That's a tough one! This is where personal preference comes in. I'll describe myself and you can compare this to other's experiences. I smoked about 25+ Pall Mall non-filters a day; that wasn't enough to satisfy my nicotine urge but it was all the smoke I could tolerate. I loved the nicotine and the heavy throat hit. Today I find that 48mg juice and 5V of power lets me squeak by. I think this is about equivalent to normal "Full Flavor" analogs. I have not found the equivalent of non-filters. Many vapors were "Lights" smokers; vaping is more likely to work for them. Vaping can be a serious struggle for heavy smokers like me. I hope at least one person is willing to spend the time to answer these questions. I feel like it's a lot to ask, but there does not seem to be any one place to get all of these questions answered. If you respond, thank you very much! vBear, far more than one person here will be willing to help you! That is why we're here. Good luck in your investigation. I hope you choose to make that healthier choice for yourself and your loved ones. And I want to congratulate you on your excellent series of questions; they really got to the heart of the issue. I wish you all the best.
    1 point
  6. FTJoe

    Getting Started

    In my opinion, go a little cheaper right now and get a 510 kit. Basically two ecigs so you have a backup. Spend the money you saved and buy some 24 and 11 mg juice. This way you an mix them to see what is good for you. 50/50 mix gets you 17.5 mg, so this way you get a nice range of nic. Plus you can do what alot of folks do and go 24 in the morning, and a little less later on. If the 11 is too little, oh well. My point is, and I own a spade and think it is great but if it fails, you will have to go to analogs waiting for a repair. Certainly not the end of the world but if you vape for more than a week without analogues, going back is GROSS. So my vote, as if it matters, is to get the 510 kit, save some bucks, and the 510 will be your backup for the spade later on when you get that. All interchangeable parts by the way (510s).
    1 point
  7. Brian

    Getting Started

    It's always good to get extra atty's. If it's in your budget, I'd get 2 spare batteries and a couple of extra atty's. A 10ml bottle lasts me about a week. Sometimes more/sometimes less. FYI the VT Traditional Tobacco is my favorite and I vape it 95% of the time.
    1 point
  8. Brian

    Getting Started

    Hey Michelle! I have a Spade and have no problem recommending it! It's a great unit and I love mine. It's a good way to go because you'll also get to start vaping with the best juice I've found so far (VT). For strenght, I would suggest 24mg. I smoked a pack to 1 1/2 packs of Marlboro lights a day and the 24mg worked perfect for me. I started with 18mg and wasn't happy with it. I quickly switched to 24mg and it made a huge differene. You'll find this is a little different. For some 24mg is to much and for others it's not enough. I would start with 24mg.
    1 point
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