So my wife made some typically superfine soup this weekend and naturally I looked forward to my lunches this week. Because I'm no power-mad suit carrying a briefcase, nor am I some sneaker-wearing parent with a ballistic nylon lunch kit, I carry my lunch and whatever to work in a plastic grocery bag. Suits my proletariat leanings quite nicely.
This morning I packed my lunch, the bills to mail, the "quick start" guide to my new Droid, some other notes of stuff I needed to do today, and my VP PT & juice in a trusty plastic grocery bag. And headed out the door. Before I backed out of the driveway I hooked the PT into the car's outlet and dripped some juice onto the atty. Dang thing dripped 'juice' all over my slacks! And had a really wet hit. Yuck, I thought, time to clean this atty. But there was sufficient vapor to get me to work. When I set the bag on my desk and started pulling stuff out of it I noticed ... everything was wet! And smelled like soup...
Frantically I got stuff out of there and everything was covered in soup; notes, bills, vitamin jar ... PT. Cold and greasy soup. Sloshing around in the bottom of the bag. A 6 ml bottle of watermelon just below the surface of the little lake in there.
Okay, long story short I blotted all the paper stuff dry, took my PT to the sink and used damp paper towels to clean it off, stuck the corner of a paper towel into the atty, cried a little, and went back to my desk. I debated a moment to decide whether I wanted to risk a short pluging that thing into the company's computer, but I figured that was better than risking my own.
Hey! It lit up! So I screwed the atty on it, dripped some nice watermelon onto it ... Hey! It worked! Tasted a little bit like wet socks - actually, old wet socks - but it kicked out some vapor so I was heartened. To shorten this some more, the soup-flavored atty has finally come all the way back around. I'm certainly relieved.