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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2010 in all areas

  1. ddavelarsen

    Lesson Learned

    So my wife made some typically superfine soup this weekend and naturally I looked forward to my lunches this week. Because I'm no power-mad suit carrying a briefcase, nor am I some sneaker-wearing parent with a ballistic nylon lunch kit, I carry my lunch and whatever to work in a plastic grocery bag. Suits my proletariat leanings quite nicely. This morning I packed my lunch, the bills to mail, the "quick start" guide to my new Droid, some other notes of stuff I needed to do today, and my VP PT & juice in a trusty plastic grocery bag. And headed out the door. Before I backed out of the driveway I hooked the PT into the car's outlet and dripped some juice onto the atty. Dang thing dripped 'juice' all over my slacks! And had a really wet hit. Yuck, I thought, time to clean this atty. But there was sufficient vapor to get me to work. When I set the bag on my desk and started pulling stuff out of it I noticed ... everything was wet! And smelled like soup... Rats! Frantically I got stuff out of there and everything was covered in soup; notes, bills, vitamin jar ... PT. Cold and greasy soup. Sloshing around in the bottom of the bag. A 6 ml bottle of watermelon just below the surface of the little lake in there. Sigh. Okay, long story short I blotted all the paper stuff dry, took my PT to the sink and used damp paper towels to clean it off, stuck the corner of a paper towel into the atty, cried a little, and went back to my desk. I debated a moment to decide whether I wanted to risk a short pluging that thing into the company's computer, but I figured that was better than risking my own. Hey! It lit up! So I screwed the atty on it, dripped some nice watermelon onto it ... Hey! It worked! Tasted a little bit like wet socks - actually, old wet socks - but it kicked out some vapor so I was heartened. To shorten this some more, the soup-flavored atty has finally come all the way back around. I'm certainly relieved.
    1 point
  2. i was just laughing...how am i going to get these ashes out of my keyboard???
    1 point
  3. Ummm. I have to agree with Christopher, it looks a little weird. Too "clunky". The only thing that is super cool about it is that you can load up a 3 ml bottle into the thing and it pumps juice straight to the atty! No more opening it up and dripping, it does it for you! So, hit or miss. People love the thing, but I'm not feeling I need it. That's just my personal opinion.
    1 point
  4. Brian

    Joye 510 Atomizer

    Some new atty's take longer to break in than others. Those are the ones that I usually end up flooding several times.
    1 point
  5. Angel, this is not on topic with your original post, but I need to say something. Your posts are extremely difficult to read because you don't use punctuation...or seldom use punctuation. It makes everything in your posts run together, and it's hard to follow your line of thought. You have some interesting things to say, but some are going to miss out because they won't want to wade through the post trying to follow what you are saying.
    1 point
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