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  1. Hello all, When i was looking into these, i found alot of videos and reviews that seemed more like paid advertisements. I wanted jump in and give some first impressions for people who are reading posts and considering trying this out as i was a week ago. I don't have any questions, and if you have been vaping for more than a day you probably wont find any great insights either. This post is really for smokers who are thinking about vaping as an alternative and are on the fence. Quick backround... I am a 29 year old computer tech with two kids and a mortgage, not a whole lot of money to spend on frivolous things, so i did alot of post reading and web research before jumping in. i have been a pack a day smoker for almost 15 years. Marlboro Lights or Camel lights, (which ever i had a coupon for). I have wanted to quit smoking for a long time. My previous attempts have been pretty lame. I tried patches, Gum, and cold turkey, no luck though. I think 6 days without smoking is not enough time to call myself a nonsmoker, but it is better than i have done before. I still have cravings, sometimes fairly intense cravings, but they are manageable. I don't feel like I'm immediate danger of smoking at this point, I'm not pulling out my hair, or eating buckets of ice cream, but again i am only 6 days in. The First Vape.. After maybe 6 hours over a couple of days of reading posts, news, watching vids, and in general gathering info I placed an order. I think my expectations where set a little to high, i was doing that check the mail 2 times a day thing. It was a little anti-climactic in the end. I kind of imaged a moisturizing mist of cool vapor soothing my throat and filling my lungs. The truth falls short of this but the sensation is not at all unpleasant, in fact on day 6 i would call my self a major fan. But I feel like its import to say Vaping is not like Smoking. I have been trying to think of an analogy to compare the two, this falls short but image you smoke unfiltered camel wides and someone gives you an ultra light. Regardless of how big of a drag you take or how big of a cloud of smoke you exhale, it doesn't feel like its filling your lungs as much as your old brand. I am smoking a manual 510, if i use the higher dose liquid i will cough i get so much sensation on my throat, but again it is not a cigarette and feels different. Please don't let this discourage you from buying, I'm quite satisfied now, but did not get exactly what i was expecting. Flavor... I read alot of people describing or reviewing the flavor of specific juice, what i had not read and will attempted to describe is the taste common to all the Vapor i have tried. Again i will mention i have only done this for 6 days, I am no expert, and have only tried about 8 flavors and two brands thus far, my hope is to set others expectations a little closer to the mark. Black Cherry Vapor is as much like Black Cherry as Black Cherry tobacco is. The Vapor itself has a kind of Base Flavor. A Flavorless vapor came with my starter kit and is kind of like the essence of all the other vapors. The un-flavored vapor tastes sort of like watered down syrup. Faintly sweet, and perhaps a bit oily flavored. I can taste this same familiar flavor in all the different juices i have tried. If you are hoping like i was on trying to duplicate the experience of smoking a cigarette with flavor, don't get your expectations to high. The tobacco flavors i have tried are good, and taste like tobacco, but also taste a bit like bread to me, with that same slightly oily, watery syrup base. It is more pleasant that it sounds, but not exactly like tobacco, or peaches, or whatever flavor you have decided to try out. While the taste was not what i was expecting, it is actually quite good. I never liked menthol cigarettes, but really enjoy menthol vapor for some reason, I suppose it is the same as not liking cherry flavored chewing gum, but liking cherry pie. Nicotine... This may be a mental thing, but i think i can feel a more direct link with nicotine while vaping. This may sound over dramatic, but its sort of a sharpening of my vision, and a focusing of my thoughts. Perhaps the smoke of a cigarette cancels this interesting effect of nicotine when smoking analogs, or maybe its all mental, but i swear i feel a direct effect where i did not notice one before. As for the dose thats best, this part i feel like i am having the hardest time figuring out. I have tried 11mg, and 18mg juice. My starter kit also came with a 24mg cart. I think I am ok with either the 11mg or the 18mg, but do still have cravings. I Tend to Sip on this thing all day, so i hesitate to get a higher dose. During my Cold Turkey attempted at quiting, I learned that there is a major difference between a craving and a withdrawal. I have had no withdrawal since i started using this, but cravings have been somewhat sharp at times. When i have a strong craving i follow the Vapor Talk adage "Drip, Vape, Repeat" and it DOES go away. E-Cig in practice... I have found E-Cigs to be INFINITELY more convenient to use than analogs. I never have to run to the store because i am out, If someone bums a cig from you, you get it BACK (how cool is that). I don't have a lighter to lose, have stolen, or drop under the seat of my car. Biggest advantage of all i don't smell like a cigarette any more, This cannot be understated. In just 6 days, i can smell smoke on my jacket as soon as i open my closet. I would have never guessed, despite how many people told me, but if you smoke a pack a day or more, you smell like cigarettes from across a room. If you have heard this before, and didnt believe it, take my word they are telling you the truth, and not just being snooty non-smokers like we all assume. I have read a few people who find it annoying to refill their cartridges, i have not found this to be the case. vape for a while, 2-3 drops in the cart, 2 on the atty and keep going. easy as can be. small 3ml plastic bottles have been very helpful because i drive around alot for work. 2 batteries get me through about 6 hours maybe more. Car charger fixes that problem, its actually quite convenient. Other Thoughts... I did some math and figured that by the time i had vaped for three weeks without buying any cigarettes i would break even. I have found that it is saving me more than i expected, The reason for this is when i run to the store or gas station to buy a couple of packs, I almost always buy a Coke, or a Coffee, maybe a Snikers, or any other of 1000 things that i don't need. I now stop at the gas station and do all my business at the pump, saving not only the 7 dollars on the pack of smokes, but another 3 or 4 bucks on crap. Anyway, I just thought i would share my first impressions, the good and the bad. Hope you try it out. it is alot of fun, very different and has helped me alot more than patches or gum ever did. ~Wompa
    2 points
  2. NeRo9k

    Larger Carts?

    501 to 901 adapters are sold here.
    1 point
  3. Jeffb

    Nfpa & The E-Cig

    I'm sitting here at work reading the latest edition of the NFPA Journal. The NFPA is the National Fire Protection Association. Well, I'm thumbing through it and what do I see but an article entitled "Cigarette threat 2.0". It seems there was a fire that erupted in a cargo compartment of a plane that just landed at Min. St. Paul. The cause of the fire was a shipment of 1,000 e-cigs. The article states " Though only minimal damage was reported, the incident has called into question the safety of these increasingly popular devices". The issue with the fire protection community is not the stty and such but the batteries. In fact last summer the Air Line Pilots Asscoiation called for a ban on bulk shipments of batteries due to their apparent malfunctions. So I'm thinking this is just great! As if we didn't have enough problems with the FDA, now we have potential rivals with the NFPA and the ALPA.
    1 point
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