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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2009 in all areas

  1. Now that I have the Spade and PT, I was thinking "what else can be made to top this?" I mean really how much vapor do we really need? Do you think we'll reach a point where there is nothing else to invent. Will I reach a point where enough is enough and quit searching for the perfect vape? Nawww...... trying new stuff is a part of what makes vaping sooo much fun and enjoyable.
    1 point
  2. Even though we think PVs have been around a long time, they havent. PVs are still a very new technology. Most people dont know what a PV is yet and most of those who do have only heard of them and never actually seen one. In marketing terms, we are known as First Adopters. A first adopter is a person who embraces new technology before most other people do. First adopters tend to buy or try out new products, hardware items, programs, and new versions of existing programs, sooner than most of their peers. According to a theory called Diffusion of Innovations (DoI) formulated by Everett Rogers, first adopters make up 13.5 percent of the population. PVs are constantly changing and improving and there is much more left to invent. Carlos is now marketing his Juice Box which contains a bottle of juice with a pump that feeds his custom made atty. He claims his custom atty has been working for over 6 months without a failure. Others who have reviewed the Juice Box say the same thing about the atty. I can see a day when there is an electric pump that feeds the atty when you press the button to vape. I would also like to see more mod makers using Digi-Keys to convert 6v CR123s to 5v so that we can hit the sweet spot. For me personally, 6v is a little too strong and 3.7v is a little too weak. I love my 5v mods like my VP passthrough and my home made Dremel Tool mod. The next battery mod I make will be one using a Digi-Key so I can have a 5v battery PV. Attys also need to be improved. The Chinese attys were all using suck. There is no reason why an atty should give out between 2 weeks and a month. Attys should last a long time and sooner or latter someone will come along with an atty that will fit 510, 801, 901s etc, that will last a good long time. Carloss atty is a good example of what can be invented but as I understand it, it doesnt fit any of the standard batterys that we are currently using. The imagination and innovation of the modding community on all the forums never ceases to amaze me. I am no modder. I am just starting to play with some very basic mods and am in no way in league with most of the modders on the forums. Im sure there are plenty of other innovations others can come up with. In fact, it would be interesting to see a list of improvements others would like to see in PVs. It may be a good idea to start a thread called; What would your dream PV look like? and let people post ideas for improvements to current PVs and Mods. It may inspire someone with the technical background to make it a reality. If you think there is nothing left to invent, remember that Bill Gates said once that "640K software is all the memory anybody would ever need on a personal computer". Even Gates couldn't see the future of the software he created.
    1 point
  3. I'm assuming that included a generator so that you can power your pass-through during outages.
    1 point
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