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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2009 in all areas

  1. Jeffb

    Vaping As Cheating?

    I always got crap from people at work because I smoked. Everyone seemed to have a loved one who died of lung cancer and I became the focus of their anger and condemnation. When I got my e-cig, I showed that thing off like a girl with an engagement ring. People loved it and always wanted to see it work. I'm doing my part to be a good ambassodor for the cause.
    1 point
  2. keenan

    Vaping As Cheating?

    I used to get SOOOOOOOOO much crap for my smoking, and it was deserved because I smoked 3 plus packs a day. But I always told people to kiss my white Irish arse, DO NOT judge me for doing something that is 100 % legal in 50 states ! i havent had any negative reactions to vaping, I almost wish someone WOULD say something to me so I can open up a can o whoopas* on them.
    1 point
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