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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2009 in all areas

  1. keenan

    Usb Pass Thru

    Hey guys, I know Im not technically a noobie anymore, but I AM new to my usb pass thru for my 510. It came yesterday, from Rockymountainvapor.com. First time buying from them, I usually go with Arno but he doesnt carry them (pass thrus ). Service was great, got here in 4 days, price was good, cheaper by a buck or two from most. O.K. thats outta the way, heres my questions. It comes with a battery, but I dont understand the mechanics, i.e., why does it NEED a batt, and, will that batt die and do I need to replace it from time to time ? It came with no instructions to tell me about this. By the way, it works AWESOME, Im almost afraid Im gonna atomize my atomizer Im vapin so much. I just dont get the battery thing ( really no biggie ) but will I kill it by using it so much, and where do u get replacements if you do ? And are there any special care or tips and tricks with the pass thru. Thanks guys
    1 point
  2. Its not just the veto, it's the REASON Arnold gave that sends the arrow through Corbetts heart !! She really thought she could pull a "holier than thou" bill off and look like the hero, but Arnold made her look like the zero. Lately, Ive been feeling REALLY disgusted with our politicians and system as a whole, but Arnold has instilled a little faith back into me !
    1 point
  3. I, unfortunatly, still have a few every day. BUT, I've cut down from 3 packs a day to just under 1, and if you ask ANYONE that knows me, we NEVER thought we'd see the day ! I am at the point where the taste of e cigs are WAY better than analogs, and Im confident I will eventually see my last one. Question for you guys, like Sinkal when you tried the Pall Mall, was that your brand when you smoked. Im just wondering if they tasted like crap cause they werent what you used to smoke.
    1 point
  4. keenan

    Ellen Corbett

    This article has nothing to do with Ellen Cruella, but this IS her goal. Maybe Canadas a little rougher than Us http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_smoking
    1 point
  5. Thats funny, I dont care who you are !
    1 point
  6. Ok, I went to Cruellas Senate web page, and clicked on the "contact me", and typed away a lengthy, respectful, tirade on how I felt, and when I clicked submit, it wouldnt go through because Im not from Californya (Duhhhhhh, I shoulda remembered from last time ). BUT, what I dont understand is, when you pull from the drop-down menu to pick a topic before you type- SB400 IS NOT THERE . ? Is anyone else experiencing this ? I still think its a waste of time contacting her, its kinda like e mailing Tammy Faye to stop wearing make-up, her mind is pretty much made up, and so is Cruellas. Any ways ........... Chris, you deserve the day to gloat and vape and vape and gloat, but PROMISE me - tomorrow we kick it into full gear again. Like I said in an earlier post. we just took normandy beach, but Berlin is a LONG ways away. Everyone NEEDS to understand this is FAR from over, and we cant get complacent just yet. But for today - I now dub thee "Sir Christopher ", well well done lad !
    1 point
  7. keenan

    Ellen Corbett

    As for that 8 penny nail - I believe that ship has already sailed
    1 point
  8. Ok. Just took a gander at Cruella's SJR 8 , and if there is ONE thing I can deduce from it, its that she is DEFINITLY in someones pocket. She clearly has an agenda that shes not going to give up on easily. EVERY "whereas" in the bill is based on outdated half truths, and it seems her MAIN sticking point is that e cigs are aimed at kids. Guys, thats just TOO easy to shoot down. I think if we sent her 100 e mails, shes so ignorant shed read 3 and delete any more that came in. She doesnt WANT to hear our voice, she just wants everyone to hear hers. So, how do you drown out an ignorant, egotistacle ( or as Archie Bunker would say, egotesticle ) jerk, you talk OVER her. I say we KEEP innundating Arnold with e mails. Hes already shown he has more common sense than her, that hes NOT willing to blindly take away peoples rights - "Items defined as “tobacco products” are legal for anyone over the age of 18. If adults want to purchase and consume these products with an understanding of the associated health risks, they should be able to do so unless and until federal law changes the legal status of these tobacco products." Keep shooting over her head, no ones listening to her, but hes already listened to us. Keep him and those around him informed. They are our allies now.
    1 point
  9. Ok. Just took a gander at Cruella's SJR 8 , and if there is ONE thing I can deduce from it, its that she is DEFINITLY in someones pocket. She clearly has an agenda that shes not going to give up on easily. EVERY "whereas" in the bill is based on outdated half truths, and it seems her MAIN sticking point is that e cigs are aimed at kids. Guys, thats just TOO easy to shoot down. I think if we sent her 100 e mails, shes so ignorant shed read 3 and delete any more that came in. She doesnt WANT to hear our voice, she just wants everyone to hear hers. So, how do you drown out an ignorant, egotistacle ( or as Archie Bunker would say, egotesticle ) jerk, you talk OVER her. I say we KEEP innundating Arnold with e mails. Hes already shown he has more common sense than her, that hes NOT willing to blindly take away peoples rights - "Items defined as tobacco products are legal for anyone over the age of 18. If adults want to purchase and consume these products with an understanding of the associated health risks, they should be able to do so unless and until federal law changes the legal status of these tobacco products." Keep shooting over her head, no ones listening to her, but hes already listened to us. Keep him and those around him informed. They are our allies now.
    1 point
  10. I'm just GIDDY !!! I just woke up here in Fla, first thing I do is check my email, and I get one from Chris who I can tell by the e mail is drunk with vindication. Let this be our lesson, we CAN make a difference. Who knows if it wasnt one of our letters that swayed him. And, just as we feared the domino effect if this had passed, it goes both ways. Now other states may be leary of passing the same kind of bill. Anyways Congrats Chris and Sean, and everyone who helped. Now, we just landed at Omaha Beach, its a LONG way to Berlin. Lets Roll ......
    1 point
  11. Im down here in Fla, how are you keeping track? Will we know tonight DUHHH !! I just saw the link.... belay my last
    1 point
  12. Well, in my opinion, thats taxation without representation, which was the instigation of our forefathers. Believe me, I am no militant or radical extremist. I love my country, I served proudly in the Navy,but I really believe if things continue the way they are, there WILL be an uprising of SOME sort. Maybe not in my lifetime, or maybe yes. Big Pharma and big money can only hoodwink for so long, like Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people some of the time.... I dont know, I just think there are a WHOLE lot more people pissed off in this country right now than there are contented.
    1 point
  13. "Well we have done what we can. Today (hopefully) we will find out whether or not SB400 goes into law." So Chris, if it IS vetoed, how much time do you think it will buy us
    1 point
  14. keenan

    Ellen Corbett

    DAMN , she fell outta the ugly tree and hit EVERY branch on the way down !
    1 point
  15. keenan

    Usb Pass Thru

    You guys are great ! You go to awesome lengths to explain things to us rookies. Its these kind of things that make vaping such a cool experience. Thanks for all the info !
    1 point
  16. keenan

    Usb Pass Thru

    I have a manual. I dont know about the cut off, theres no led. I know i get a good strong hit off of it. If I get 3 months out of it I'll be happy. It was only 15 bucks. But I'll be anxiously awaiting what youre coming up with
    1 point
  17. keenan

    Usb Pass Thru

    So, with a newer computer (mine is an HP laptop I bought 10 months ago ) is the batt necessary ?
    1 point
  18. keenan

    Usb Pass Thru

    Thanks Kitsune, that makes sense. I didnt know you could use them when your powered down ! Thanks for the info.
    1 point
  19. Chris, I failed MISERABLY in science and chemistry and, well, lets just say i failed miserably. If you gave me an atom bomb, I'll definitely go bring pain and hardship on whoever you need me to, If you ask me how it works ..... So, what was the answer, how much nic are we getting ? ( I REALLY mean no disrespect here )
    1 point
  20. I still have my first analog in the morning, Im kinda scared to go cold turkey just yet. And I am finding the same thing as smokingman, I dont get the hit like I used to. And my tastebuds must be opening up because the juice is having more and more flavor everyday. About a week and a half ago I got some camel juice from Vaporkings. I e mailed them to ask if they had any problems with it, I couldnt taste it AT ALL . Like it had absolutely no flavor. He replied that they didnt have any problems and that he was sorry. Now, the past 3 or 4 days, Im vapin that camel juice like a beeotch, its got an awesome flavor ( Though, it doesnt really remind me of Camel, its a lot like 555 ). Ive got some cola on the way, curious to see what that tastes like.
    1 point
  21. Hey DizzyIzz ! Thats what I call my granddaughter Isabelle, and my daughter Elizabeth is Dizzy Liz. Welcome, and yes, vaping IS awesome !
    1 point
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