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  1. keenan

    Insurance Companies

    We could use some ammo to help fight this ban. By ammo I mean statistics. Anybody who can help by finding out where the big ***;s stand will be a good start. A lot of them WONT take on new customers who smoke. SO, where do they stand on E cigs.If you apply for insurance, and you VAPE, do they blacklist you ? If so, WHY if there are no studies done. Lets get some help here, I'll be checking some tomorrow
    1 point
  2. OOH RAH !! The clock is ticking for you guys on the left coast. PLEASE , DONT think your letter wont matter, your letter might be THE ONE that gets through. " SO I get on my knees and pray ....... We dont get fooled AGAIN !! "
    1 point
  3. You might think it doesnt work, BUT IT DOES. If EVERYONE gets involved, if EVERYONE e mails thier Senators and Congressmen, they will listen, we will be heard.
    1 point
  4. No, Easy E, NONE of that was aimed at you, I was just rantin after reading the news.
    1 point
  5. This is what I dont understand. I mean, I know Im not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but Im not an idiot either. And if I can figure out that E cigs, even UNTESTED, are better for you than analogs, I DONT understand where these holier than thou morons are coming from. It HAS to be MONEY motivated, it has to be. Theres a REASON theyre not going after Jack Daniels, or Boones Farm Strawberry Wine, ( which incidently DID attract me when I was a young and stupid teenager ), and thats because while a LOT of members of Congress and the Senate have probably quit smoking, I bet NONE OF THEM have quit drinking. Its STILL socially acceptable. Their lobbyists are still lining thier pockets with WADS of cash. I mean, these are the SAME people who allocate money for research projects like "The Study of how many times a catfish blinks his eyes on Tuesdays". These are the same people who let Medicare buy a wheelchair for $2300.00 when it can be purchased online for $ 780.00. Capitolism is eating itself, and the people we have elected to be our watchdogs are only worried about who has the most toys in the end. We have a false prophet for a President who is more concerned about "air-time" than FIXING the problems he promised to fix. NOW, he wants to take over the internet. Check this link out - http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/10/05/phil-kerpen-obama-internet-czar-acorn/ And heres a link to a story about the FTC starting to regulate blogging. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,560501,00.html This is TRULY disturbing stuff. THIS is the fuel for anarchy and revolt. "Let them eat cake" mentality. OK, Ive been ranting. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent !
    1 point
  6. 16 STILL beats 4000 ! Hell, if it had 400 it would still be better. I smoked for 30 years and didnt give a rats ******** what was in them. E cigs are saving lives, and money. Totally Wicked is based in the U.K. , so they might have different standards on labeling. Plus, I think different suppliers use different ingredients. But, until I hear theyre putting liquid death in them, Im still vapin'. ( Might not even stop then )
    1 point
  7. Yes, its going to take EVERYONES voice to make this work. The odds are against us as it is, but that doesnt mean this cant be done. And theres NO law that says I cant ship presents to my friend Chris in California from Florida !
    1 point
  8. Sent mine out Chris. Hope EVERYONE else does too.
    1 point
  9. keenan


    Thats communisms version of capitolism
    1 point
  10. OK. Time for weekly question. I vape alot, at least I THINK I do, I have no one around me to gauge it. My concern is, am I gonna blow this bad boy up ? ( Im talkin bout 510 manual, I totally gave up on my blu). I tried dripping on the atty, and it works great, but I have to KEEP doing it every 10- 15 minutes. Will that hurt it, burn it up. And when I fill the cart, Im not sure if Im filling it too soon. I really cant tell if its dry or not. I still get a lot of vapor after QUITE a while, ( 45 minutes, maybe), but NO flavor, so I refill. Is that too soon. ? I guess what Im asking is can you overfill these?
    1 point
  11. Ive tried and tried, but I dont see a way to add a comment. It says it was over sept. 29
    1 point
  12. Thats an "Atomizer", the device that heats up in your e cig that produces the vapor. Its the part between your cartridge and battery. Other terms - batt - battery cart - cartridge vape - you dont "smoke" anymore - with e cigs you "Vape" Theres a lot more in terminoligy (sic?) but youll get the hang of it, Im still learning too.
    1 point
  13. I call mine Betty. shes SMMMMOKIN ! But I go by the model # too. Its just easier to remember
    1 point
  14. keenan

    510 Issue...

    Maybe its because mine is new, but Im getting a good HOUR or more out of a cart. Im putting more than 3 - 4 drips in though, I pull out the padding, put 3-4 drops INthe cart, put the padding back and then another 3-4 drops. Vapes like a monster.
    1 point
  15. keenan

    Xbox 360 Or Ps3?

    I think Ofortuna said it best. Get both. But if u cant afford that, its just like an e cig, whats good for 1 may not be as good for another.
    1 point
  16. Well, Its been about a week since I got my 510, so heres an update. The thing runs like a Buick ! Clouds of vapor, strong throat hits ( I wind up hacking a lot of the time for taking in too much), great experience. My batts are lasting about 4-5 hours, and I vape A LOT. Every once in a while, I will put it down and give my Blu a shot. Theres just NO comparison. Im giving it time to prime the atty, I;m being patient now because I KNOW I have a good machine waiting for me, It just does not come close to meeting my standards, which arent that high. I am sure the people at BLU are very nice people, and Im sure they are just as frustrated as we are, but honestly, pack it up and go home.
    1 point
  17. Sounds like you bought from the same company that sold me those fu@*#ing "Magic Beans"
    1 point
  18. Happy Birthday. Yes Chris, this is a GREAT thing youve started. Ive owned a computer for about 12 years now, and this is the FIRST forum Ive ever tried. I joined when I was researching before I purchased, and I just felt like I was at home from the first visit. Since, Ive tried out a couple of other forums, but this is BY FAR the one I come to the most. Kinda my home space. Vapor Talk serves an invaluable need to vapers. Keep up the good work, and thanks to all of the great members here who always make me feel welcome.
    1 point
  19. The scary thing to me about Obama is he is NOT qualified to do the job. Not that anyone can BE prepared to do that job, but he is probably the LEAST qualified of all the candidates that ran. He is already showing his ineptitude with all the "czar" appointments, Like this country doesnt have enough beaurocracy to begin with. He is nothing more than a slick talker, who hob nobbed with all the RIGHT people (Oprah), and told everyone what they wanted to hear. I am NOT racist by any means, I have NO USE for anyone that is, but tell me, if it were a WHITE candidate who spoke EVERY word that he spoke during the campaign, would as many Black voters have turned out ? This was the most racially motivated election in the history of America. And Joe Biden , PULEASE !!! Put him a friggin heartbeat away from the Oval office. Dear God in heaven, what were we thinking. Nancy Pelosi, shes as close to a card carrying socialist as they come. And, to be fair, the Republicans dont offer up much better. They are ALL, Democrat and Republican, self serving egotistical robots who are ALL SO out of touch with mainstream America its pathetic. And almost EVERY politician in this country has one thing in common. THEY ARE ALL LAWYERS. THATS where the problem with this country stems from. We are being run by litigators, not representitives. Shakespear was right - "First, we kill all the lawyers ".
    1 point
  20. Hey guys, time to start worrying a little more. Read this article from today in the Lakeland Ledger here in Floriduh http://www.theledger.com/article/20090930/NEWS/909305023/1410?Title=FDA-Ban-on-Flavored-Cigarettes-in-Effect Big Brother is getting bigger !
    1 point
  21. This whole situation makes me sick. I dont care if hes white, black, red, green or blue. He is taking the Presidency and making a mockery of it. Acting more like a rock star than a public servant. Hes nothing more than a false prophet. and if I make my feelings known, I will be labeled a racist. These are DANGEROUS times we live in. I believe Democracy as we know it is going to run its course in our lifetime. We are repeating History, and not heeding the lessons once learned.
    1 point
  22. keenan

    Blu Pcc Recall

    Just in case anyone hasnt heard, Blu has sent an e mail to everyone to IMMEDIATLY stop using their PCC's to charge as they pose a fire hazard. Check out the web site for info
    1 point
  23. By the way I looked up Priapism, and here it is from Wilkipedia "Priapism (Ancient Greek: πριαπισμός) is a potentially harmful and painful medical condition in which the erect clitoris[1] or penis does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours. Priapism is considered a medical emergency, which should receive proper treatment by a qualified medical practitioner. The name comes from the Greek god Priapus, referring to the myth that he was punished by the other gods for attempting to rape a goddess, by being given a massive, but useless, set of wooden genitals." Now THATS a woodie !
    1 point
  24. Yeah, Im vapin all the time. My problem is I keep a pack of analogs with me as a security blanket. I was a HEAVY smoker and am still afraid to go cold turkey. Im down from 3-4 packs a day to 1, so Im proud of myself for that, but feel like a chicken for that 1 pack. GOTTA have an analog when I wake up. But Im workin on that too.
    1 point
  25. I got my Blu about a week ago.I did a TON of reasearch beforeI purchased, and I also picked Blu because of the starter kit, it seemed like you got more bang for your buck. They had the sleekest web site and seemed like a real, i dont know, "professional" appearance. I had NO wait time, my order processed and shipped the next day.So no problems there. Having used it for a week, I gotta say, I'm REAL dissapointed. Now, I'm new to vaping, so I did a LOT of research first. I had heard a lot of horror stories about Blu, but I heard just as many positive things. So I kinda figured it would be hit or miss. It was a BIG miss, by a mile. The biggest problem I have is it doesnt do WHAT THEY SAY it will do. I know they're just machines, and I knew it wasnt going to be exactly like smoking, but with the Blu I was spending more time TRYING to get a good vape and/or throat hit than anything. And I mean I tried EVERYTHING, short toke, long toke, primer puff, dip, drip,EVERYTHING. No matter what I tried I just could NOT get a consistantly good vape. I wound up smoking analogs out of disgust. Now, today I recieved my 510 from Awesome Vapor. Let me tell you, the difference is Night and Day. The price was the same as Blu, and you DONT get the PCC or multiple chargers. But let me tell you, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. It is WELL worth the extra money for accesories for a 510 that works as it should, as opposed to getting all the bells and whistles that DONT work. And I dont want to sound like a pitchman, but Arno at Awesome Vapor IS THE BEST. Just check the other forums on here, his rep is UNBLEMISHED. Do yourself a favor if youre serious about vaping, start with a 510 and if you dont like it, THEN get a Blu. If you go with Blu first, your gonna get the 510 eventually. My banner below says I've been "smoke free" for 7 days, but I've been cheating because of Blu.
    1 point
  26. keenan

    Why 13?

    I was 15. I didnt even inhale for the first 4 months. Cig ads had no effect at all, anymore than tv ads do today. I STILL dont have a Snuggie. Nor do I drink Budwieser. Those of us who were taught to rationally think for ourselves arent really influenced by razzle dazzle advertisments. Thats what infuriates me about SB400, If you eliminate ALL forms of tobacco ads, and if you make tobacco itself illegal, kids and adults are GOING to find a way to get it. A new Al Capone will be born. Didnt we learn ANYTHING from prohibition. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
    1 point
  27. Heres the link from today on Foxnews.com http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/24/elementary-school-students-reportedly-taught-songs-praising-president-obama/ I have NEVER heard of this for ANY President we have ever had. I HAVE seem this done in North Korea and China. This really makes my stomach turn. I mean, I dont like the guy or his views, but he is my President and I will respect him, this however is RIDICULOUS. And if HE doesnt speak up about it and make them stop, then he MUST have a different agenda than we previously thought.
    1 point
  28. keenan

    Vapers United

    Hey Guys I have opened a forum site to dedicate ALL of my time to this, not just in California, but EVERYWHERE before it hits. I will use all resources available to me, and as I am semi retired, all my time ( Jeesh I'm bored ). I think that a LOT of you figure you have good ideas, but no time or way to implement them. Well , WHATEVER idea, no matter how big or small, POST IT and let me weed through them and do all the work. It may lead to nothing, It may accomplish everything.Please visit Vapersunited.ning.com and send me your ideas. I will be also visiting ALL of the forum sites for more ideas.
    1 point
  29. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    O.K. I spent my first FULL day with my new Blu cigs. So for those of you who want to do the math, it takes 24 hours to realize you made 1 really bad move. I bought 5, 2 fer me, 2 fer me son, and 1 fer me wife (shes a light smoker). My sons seem to be o.k. Me and my wifes suck !. Literally. I can suck on it like a golf ball thru a garden hose which produces a buzz much like climbing Mt. Everest but produces ABSOLUTELY no vapor or throat hit. If thats not bad enuff, my USB charger doesnt work, and NONE of the LEDs on my PCCs do what theyre supposed to, so I have NO IDEA if theyre charged or not, unless I time them. Which you should probably do anyway, but thats not the point. I paid A LOT of money fer those LEDs to WORK. So I call C.S. and talk to someone who OBVIOUSLY could give a friggin rats derrier what my problem was, as she RUDELY interrupted me bfore I was halfway done with my first sentence to say " check your e mail for an RMA to send it back". I WASNT EVEN CONSIDERING SENDING IT BACK ! I dint even get the chance to SAY all of the problems I was having. It was like she just has this paper in front of her that reads " First say Hello, then say Check your email". So- to EVERYONE who told me "Dont do it youll be sorry" , I apologize, I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED. You were right. I am ordering my 501 from awesomevapor tomorrow !
    1 point
  30. You know, being a heavy smoker and stressin about being able to afford them, I always wondered, " When I get to heaven will there be a never ending cigarette ?". Well , I musta died .......
    1 point
  31. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    Yeah, I can tell Arno is a cool dude, just watching his vids on his site. I also ordered some juice from him the day after I ordered my blu, and the juice got here first. I also emailed him and he replied EVERY time. You sound like me, being a heavy smoker, thats why I got the blu so I could charge one while I vape the other. I get SERIOUSLY wigged out if I dont have SOMEthin to toke. I did a LOT of research before I purchased, and I heard nothing but good things about the 510, Arno even told me I'd be dissapointed before it came. It was the price, packaging and PCC that sold me on it. It SEEMED like u got more for your money, and you do, its just the QUALITY doesnt seem to be there. It seems like they play it up WAY too much in there ads, like you get "150 to 300 puffs out of a cartridge". Now, I knew that had to be a little bit exaggerated, but c'mon, you dont even get 50. And if thats all I get with the 510, well fine, as long as i get a decent hit, 50 times. Either way, blu aggravation or 510 elation, I am WAY down from my analogs. And I swear, I never ever thought that would happen. After trying the patch, the lozenges, cold turkey, I just resigned myself to the fact that when they nailed the lid shut on my coffin, there'd be a smile on my face cause I got to smoke. Thanks for the post, its guys like you that REALLY help us noobies out and give us hope. This is an AMAZING product.
    1 point
  32. Hey guys Went to my Doctor here in Fla. today for an appointment ( I have High blood pressure, just a check-up ), and I told him I started using e cigs. Now. he's ALWAYS gettin on to me about my smoking, and I was pretty sure I was going to get another good chewing out. Holy crapola ! He thought it was a GREAT idea. He asked me a bunch of questions about them as he had heard but never really knew anyone that used them. I took mine out and showed it to him, explained how it worked, and he thought it was the best thing since insulin. I was TOTALLY surprised. Then we talked about the crap the FDA was pulling, and he rolled his eyes and said, and I quote, " Its all about the money". he is a foriegner, I believe hes from Romania , and he always has an attitude like, well this government may suck a lot but it was a whole lot worse where I came from. Anyway, he offered to write a letter of support that I can attach to my emails, and I got to thinkin, If anybody else out there happens to have to go to the doc for a checkup, put the feelers out and see where they stand. THAT kind of support on our part is PRICELESS. If the Governator, or ANY gov. is reading a letter with Doctors supporting us, thats GOTTA help. Just another idea, thought Id put it out there.
    1 point
  33. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    Yeah, I think that was my MAJOR problem, i was tring to get too much out of a drag ( I.m SOOO impatient ). I keep forgetting its a machine, not an analog. Im getting the hang of it though
    1 point
  34. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    I just ordered my 510 from awesomevapor this morning, and wouldnt ya know my blu has been workin fine ever since. Anyway, Im pretty sure I saw a PCC for the 510 on that site. If not Ill check around cause i KNOW I saw one. Hey, how long does it take to charge the Blu PCC ? Ive had mine in for 2-1/2 hours and the light is still on. Can you OVERCHARGE them
    1 point
  35. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    I dont know how to pack a skoal can, but I did try shaking it and it seems to help. I;m just not that impressed with the consistancy of good vapor hits, but i think my expectations may have been a bit high. I was hoping this would be the beat all end all solution. I just need to adjust from analogs and get used to this
    1 point
  36. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    Holy Batsh#@t. I just tried it with my new Camel liquid.Damn near hocked up my left lung ! OK I;m happy again, as long as it lasts more than 5 puffs
    1 point
  37. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot. Maybe I;m just over reacting.
    1 point
  38. keenan

    I Got The Blues

    Im kinda new to all this. Where do u drip it, directly on the atty, and how much ?
    1 point
  39. keenan

    I Need To Vent!

    To err is human, to forgive is ..... some left wing moron "it takes a village " idiots stupid friggin idea of how to deal with homicidal rages . Vote republican !!
    1 point
  40. OK. I'm still a vapor virgin. My e cigs WILL be here tomorrow. So I was wondering if you veterans could fill me in. Are all carts interchangable ? Can u use a 501 cart on a blu ? If not, are ANY others interchangable. How about attys ? If this question is making me look like a fool, I apologize, just tell me to Thanks for any help
    1 point
  41. I tried to e mail but unfortunatly I dont live in california ( or maybe good thing I dont ), but when I try to send I get a message that I dont live in thier district. I did see a Youtube video with a petition to sign ( Fox News ) but I dont know where to go to sign the petition. I'm no computer genius unfortunatly. Any ideas ?
    1 point
  42. Friggin AWESOME !. Lets keep the ball rolling. Make sure everyone mentions this in the chatrooms, at work, etc. You would be surprised to see how many non-smokers are with us. Whereas they would NEVER be with analogs, most people with COMMON SENSE see the benefits of e cigs.And its in our nature to stand up for things that are right, so tell EVERYONE to write !
    1 point
  43. keenan


    Thanks for the info, I need to weed out the bad guys before I buy again
    1 point
  44. keenan

    Ideas Anyone?

    Do a show on the Ban. What people can do ( write e mails, letters ), ideas for them to write about, addresses for them, the IMPORTANCE. Since its ALREADY passed in California, the importance to write other states BEFORE it happens. Rock on.
    1 point
  45. keenan

    E-Cigs At Work?

    Heres a question guys. Someone earlier brought up insurance companies wont insure u if u smoke. Does anyone know what THIER stand is on E cigs ? The answer to that might help in the fight against the ban
    1 point
  46. Good idea UB. Fox news IS the only "fair and balanced" news program out there. They may be able to help.
    1 point
  47. This is an issue that has the potential to SNOWBALL from one state to another. It is IMPERATIVE that we as a group stand up and let our voices be heard BEFORE, I say again, BEFORE it reaches your state. I have contacted my Congressman here in Florida, where its not even an issue yet. EVERYONE must do this , NOW. If we innundate them with CONSTRUCTIVE input, it WILL have an effect. It may not work. But if we do NOTHING, the outcome will be gaurunteed, I assure you. Our democracy is slipping thru our hands on a DAILY basis, with this and SO MANY other issues. LETS STAND UP AND BE COUNTED ! Imagine if we found a cure for ALL diseases, and our Government BANNED them because they werent getting thier cut off of the profits. That is essentially what theyre doing here. If only TEN people had tried e cigs, and only 3 quit smoking, thats 3 lives saved. But the numbers are WAY bigger then that. But thats not even the issue here, thats just a happy by product of e cigs, quitting analogs.The REAL issue here is simple and basic. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Its in black and white on this countrys most sacred document. WRITE YOUR STATES REPS. NOW FOLKS !!!! ITS THAT IMPORTANT.
    1 point
  48. Here is a generic letter I wrote that I thought might help Dear Sir or Madame This letter is in response to the recent passing in California of a Bill that would ban the sale of Electronic Cigarettes, or "E-Cigs". I urge you to make every effort to ensure a similar bill does NOT get introduced here , at least not in the blind manner in which it was brought forth in California. In these tumultuous times, your constituents, and citizens across this country, are growing weary of the needs and pleasures of the many being decided by the closed minds of a select few. In an atmosphere of heated debate over the rising costs of Health Care , when a product comes along that will GREATLY reduce those costs, it boggles the collective mind that our elected representitives will not even CONSIDER the alternative being offered to smokers that will, in effect, give those clamouring for a "Smoke Free" society exactly what they want. The passing of such a bill not only brings to a crashing halt the THOUSANDS of success stories already born of this product, it makes it impossible for those wishing to break the chains of cigarette addiction to realize thier dream. E- Cigs were not introduced, nor are they advertised as a quit smoking device,thats just the accidental by-product that was stumbled upon. We in the E-Cig community say this - Research, Yes. Prohibit sales to minors, Yes. Take the bullet out of the gun smokers put in thier mouths EVERY day - no brainer. Again sir or madame, please assure me that you will not let the unfair bill that passed in Calfornia be introduced here without REASONABLE discussion and debate on the matter. This is TOO important a matter to be taken lightly. Thank You Guys - feel free to change whatever you feel necessary - this is just an idea Thanks Keenan
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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